Thursday 1 November 2018

How to Maximize Energy Efficiency in Your Chicago Home

When it starts to heat up in Chicago, you know that the energy bill tends to run high. The average central air conditioning unit uses about 3,500 watts of energy, which equals about $250 per month.

That’s a lot of extra money to spend every summer. Make sure your home is optimized for energy efficiency to try to save as much money as possible, without having to pump up the controlled air.

How to Upgrade your Home for Energy Efficiency

The average household spends about $2,200 on energy bills. Cut your bills with these energy efficient tips.

Seal Up Your Leaks

You may not realize it, but your duct systems can be a huge culprit of energy loss. About 80 percent of the loss of cooling in your home is actually due to your plumbing and ductwork.

The trim around your plumbing pipes could be releasing the cool air from your house. To fix the leaks, you simply need to identify them and patch up the connections that have holes.

Get Energy Efficient Doors

There are a number of different materials you can consider for your front door because warm air might actually be seeping in through the entrance to your home.

Doors with poor materials and textures can bleed your air conditioning to the outside without you even realizing it. Steel and fiberglass are great options when considering a door with high energy efficiency.

If You Have to Use Your A.C.

Turn your air conditioning off in the day. Run it only when there are people in the house.

You don’t have to worry about keeping your house cool when there’s no one using it because you’re afraid it will cost more to re-cool it. Running the air conditioning while no one is there to enjoy it is what’s really draining your pocketbook.

You may want to consider upgrading your air conditioning unit. If you’re using an old and inefficient A.C., the investment that you make in replacing it can end up paying for itself.

An energy efficient house is a more valuable house in general, so upgrading can be a long-term investment for your future.

Zone It

After you’ve made sure that everything in your house is patched up and not leaking air, try zoning for air conditioning use.

Cut off air to sections of the house that don’t need it. You can do this by closing A.C. vents in the house to rooms that aren’t occupied and funneling it into areas where you’re going to need the air.

Start Renovating

Don’t let laziness get in the way of making your home updated for energy efficiency. If you wait until the warmer season to do start fixing your home for keeping in heat, you’ll get more exhausted from the hot weather.

Start getting your home as prepared as possible by working with the Window Guys. They’ll let you know what types of windows and doors work best in your home, and they will help you answer all the important questions that will keep your home as cool as possible.


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