Friday, 22 May 2020

Covid-19: Steps Chicago Window Guys are Taking to Keep Clients Safe

The situation the entire world has been living for the last few months has not only had an impact on the healthcare area. From one day to another, everyone’s lives flipped 180° and living with much uncertainty. Covid-19 is new to everyone and has made us change the way we used to live our daily life, our jobs, our education, our hygiene, and our businesses.

Since everything related to this pandemic is new, the uncertainty is the only certainty there is. 

The only thing we can do is to adapt, and with the best attitude, take all the measures necessary to stay healthy and get through this hard situation, the whole world is leaving. 

Our home now has more jobs to do. It has transformed into our job place and where we do everything. Now that you spend more time inside your house.

Keeping everyone safe is a job we should all help with. Chicago Window Guys believe in keeping our community safe. 

During these uncertain times, Chicago Window Guys are taking the proper steps to protect our customers, and not lowering our efficiency nor service quality. 

Chicago Window Guys want to continue providing our customers with the best service and products. Therefore, we have adapted to all the measures that must be taken in order to continue providing our services and at the same time keeping everyone’s safety top of mind.


Having that said, we want to give our customers the details of how and what measures we are taking to keep everyone safe and stay within the recommendations of the government. 

Masks and gloves for Covid-19


In-Home Quote Service

When it comes to our In-home Quotes Service, we are doing them via conference call, either using Facetime or Zoom and only if it’s absolutely necessary, we will go to your home and do the quote physically. 


In case we need to do the In-Home Quote physically, our team will be wearing the proper gear and, at all times, respect the physical distance guidelines. 


In-home quote via conference call


Installation Process

We know everyone wants to look after the well being of their families, so does Chicago Window Guys, which is why at the moment of installation, our team will be strictly following all the protocol. The members of our team in charge of doing any installation will wear at all times, masks, and gloves. Also, they will wipe everything down once the installation is completed. 

Cleaning windows

In This Together

With all these measures that our team is taking, we hope you will feel the security that we all seek during these difficult times. Also, to make you feel safe when hiring Chicago Window Guys as the company to install or replace the windows and the doors of your house. 

We want to help you while keeping everyone safe, which is why we are taking the protocol seriously and following it strictly.

For a while, we might not be able to shake hands, but Chicago Window Guys will continue providing the service and high-quality products you need.



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